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5 Netflix shows to inspire you to simplify your life and get organised

Do you want to be organised but lack motivation? Check out these Netflix TV shows to inspire you to start the transformation in your life.

To access the shows and see the trailers, click on the title and the hyperlinks describing the seasons or duration of the show.

Season 1 (2020) and Season 2 (2022) with 8 episodes each of 35/40 min.

This is my favourite! I love all the shows on this list, but this one is special because it was the one that inspired me to become a Professional Organiser. It was October 2020 when I randomly watched it and had to stop the show in the first 10 minutes to search about this profession, which I had never heard about before. Six days later, I started the first course to become an Organiser.

Clea & Joana are the home organiser experts, helping celebrities and everyday people to “edit, categorise and contain” their houses, creating amazing and unique spaces.

This show will give you a lot of ideas. You will see how our brains work to find the best organising solution for our clients, the one that really works with their lifestyle.

The difference between the service I offer and this show is that I work by myself and usually I try to use what the client already has, buying only essential materials to keep the space organised. For that reason, sometimes the after photos do not look as awesome and beautiful as the TV shows, but they will be very organised and totally functional and efficient.

If you are looking to downsize and live a more simple lifestyle, it is for you.

In this documentary, Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus talk about “Less is More”. More time for yourself, more time doing what you love, more time with the people you love.

They start with: “Imagine a life with less, a life of passion”... Quality over quantity. It’s a very interesting documentary.

It also talks about the “Project 333” created by Courtney Carver, where you use only 33 items for 3 months and shows people that moved from big houses to tiny and compact houses. Both are very challenging projects.

This film is similar to the previous one, with the minimalists sharing how our lives can be better with less. It talks about consumerism, being intentional, and living with purpose taking control of your life.

Season 1 (2019) with 8 episodes of 35/40 min each

In this show, Marie Kondo, a tidying expert, introduces the Mari Kondo method of organising your house and folding clothes. She doesn't do the job for you, she just guides you (like a virtual organising session).

By watching the first episode, you will have so many insights to start your own projects, but keep in mind that things will be worse and absolute chaos before you see the beautiful result of everything organised in its place.

Season 1 (2021) with 3 episodes of 35/40 min each

In this show, Marie Kondo reinforces that you should keep only what sparks joy in you, getting rid of the rest.

It is very emotional because it involves relationships, connections, family and love. Relationships with your family, your house, your stuff and mainly with yourself.

Like the previous show, she explains how to do it yourself.

Season 1 (2021) and Season 2 (2022) with 10 episodes each of 60 min

And if you live in Australia, I have one extra show to recommend: Space Invaders on 9Now with Peter Walsh, the declutter guru, helping people to declutter their houses and emotions, Cherie Barber renovating the spaces and Lucas Callaghan finding treasures in their homes.

So, what I love the most about all these TV shows, is the transformation that an organised space brings into people’s lives, and that’s why I became a Professional Organiser.

I hope you enjoy them all as much as I do and give you the motivation to start to get organised.

For more organising tips, follow me on Instagram & Facebook and sign up above.

Thank you for visiting my blog!

Solange Steain

Professional Organiser at Living Happy



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